The Société Royale de Philanthropie is one of the most time-honored institutions in the Belgian capital Brussels. Since 1828, its members and employees have devoted themselves to caring for society’s poorest and most vulnerable people.
Replacing a Legacy Phone System with Zero Downtime: High-Tech Behind Historic Walls
Topics: SIP, cordless phone, VoIP, telephony, SIP solutions, mobility, Enterprise, SIP mobility, DECT Mobility, innovation, Wireless Communications
Snom Phones and 3CX PBX Deliver Manufacturer a Scalable, Reliable, and Affordable Phone System
Whether you’re preparing an install for a new customer or working with a client for 20 years, it’s essential to consider the cost-benefit to upgrade their communication system with the latest devices. In the following case study, we’ll explore how N-Mesh Technologies, a 3CX service provider, significantly reduces their customer’s monthly service costs, increases network reliability, and improves productivity by upgrading their phone system.
Topics: Small business, SIP, cordless phone, SMB, VoIP, telephony, SIP solutions, conference phones, office phones, Enterprise, DECT Mobility, conference call, Sales
Elevate Collaboration with the Snom Conference Call Upgrade Rebate!
We are excited to introduce and launch the Snom Conference Call Upgrade Rebate Program, helping businesses meet their evolving communication needs as they transition to hybrid, remote and in-person environments.
Keep reading for program details!
Topics: Small business, SIP, cordless phone, SMB, VoIP, telephony, SIP solutions, office phones, Enterprise, DECT Mobility, Sales
5 Advantages of the C620 Wireless Conference Phone
Earlier this year, we launched arguably one of our most exciting business products - the Snom C620 Wireless DECT Conference Phone.
And why should you consider the C620 for your business's conferencing needs? Well friendly blog reader, I'm glad you asked.
Keep scrolling to uncover 5 advantages of using the C620 Conference Phone.
Topics: Small business, SIP, cordless phone, SMB, VoIP, telephony, SIP solutions, conference phones, office phones, Enterprise, DECT Mobility, conference call, Sales
If you, your company or your service provider are struggling to find the right mix of communication devices while transitioning your workforce to a work from home setup, Snom has put together the guide below to help. Here is a closer look at the Snom and VTech solutions that can easily transition to your home office for a seamless communication experience. And further down, we answer some common questions you might have during the transition.
Topics: SIP, cordless phone, VoIP, telephony, deskset, SIP solutions, desk phone, office phones, Enterprise, SIP deskset
WEBINAR: In-Depth Overview of DECT Solutions with Channel Vision Magazine
Have you ever wondered what a traditional Key Line System can offer in today’s SIP-based telecommunications market?
Or just how far you can expand the range of a Snom DECT multi-cell solution?
Learn the answers to those questions and more from presenters Sarah Boucher, Inside Sales Manager, and Ian Mitchell, Product Manager at Snom in the on-demand webinar recorded in partnership with Channel Vision Magazine. They cover key benefits and use cases of the Snom DECT product line, including single-cell and multi-cell DECT systems for SMB and enterprise.
Whether you're a retail shop, restaurant, auto dealership, office, manufacturer, distribution center, college campus or hospital - there's a scalable and affordable Snom DECT communication system to fit your needs.
Topics: Small business, SIP, cordless phone, SMB, VoIP, telephony, SIP solutions, mobility, office phones, warranty, support, Enterprise, SIP mobility, DECT Mobility, innovation, Key Line, Key System Emulation
In this webinar, Snom Americas' Mike Harvey, Channel Account Manager - Service Providers, provides an overview of the Snom advantage and our most recent product offerings for SkySwitch Resellers.
Topics: Small business, SIP, cordless phone, VoIP, telephony, deskset, SIP solutions, mobility, conference phones, office phones, warranty, support, SIP mobility, DECT Mobility
WEBINAR: Simplifying SIP Mobility: The DECT Solution
This webinar was recorded in partnership with TMCNet. To view the original page, click here.
Topics: Small business, SIP, cordless phone, SMB, VoIP, telephony, SIP solutions, mobility, Enterprise, SIP mobility, DECT Mobility