Snom Americas Blog

#Quaranteam Art Challenge

Posted by Snom Americas on May 1, 2020 12:13:39 PM

This week, the Human Resources department threw out a challenge to all of the VTech Communications Inc. subsidiaries, including Snom, LeapFrog, VTech Kids and VTech Electronics. The challenge? Recreate famous works of art, inspired by the internet and museums everywhere. HR was kind enough to allow us to recreate any piece of art, which left the creative field wide open for interpretation. 

Below are a few of our favorite submissions. The top three winners will be crowned internally on Tuesday, but just for fun we're asking YOU to cast your vote! Share in the comments on social or directly on the blog!

#Quaranteam art FTW - keeping our teams connected, and our spirits temporarily occupied and up.


Childs Bath #1


Childs Bath #2


Girl with Pearl Earring



Dogs Playing Poker #1


Dogs Playing Poker #2


My name is Jim Dine


Twilight in the Wilderness


Casserole and Closed Mussels


The Creation of Adam


Warhol Elvis


Three Women at the Table by the Lamp


The Branding Bunch


Who is Snom Americas?

VTech Communications, Inc., a global leader and manufacturer of business phones and consumer products, adopted the Snom brand for the company’s SIP-based business products.

Acquired by VTech in 2016, Snom is a pioneer and a leading brand of professional and enterprise VoIP telephones. Headquartered in Berlin, Germany, Snom's engineering is globally renowned for robust, high-quality and feature-rich business telephones that are designed exclusively for the trained and certified professional IT and PBX installer.

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